Who is Matt Painter's ex-wife Jerri Painter? Exploring the reasons for divorce of Purdue basketball

Matt Painter is a basketball coach who leads the Purdue Boilermakers. He's been a head coach for almost two decades and has achieved a lot of success, becoming only the fifth coach in Big Ten history to win 400 games.

Painter's coaching record (408-197) is very impressive. Unfortunately, his personal life has had several ups and downs. Matt Painter's ex-wife Jerri Painter divorced the coach in 2013.

The Purdue head coach has been married to another woman since 2018 and the two have been very active in raising money for cancer awareness.

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Who is Jerri Painter, Matt Painter's ex-wife, and why did they divorce?

Jerri Painter was born in November 1963. She met Painter in 1994 and the two dated for a couple of years before deciding to get married. Jerri and Matt tied the knot on May 20, 2003.

At the time of their wedding, Jerri was 39, while Matt was 32. Unfortunately, their marriage lasted for only a decade as they divorced in 2013. The two haven't revealed a reason for their separation and have tried to keep their lives private.

Painter has been a big part of the Boilermakers (Image via Getty Images)

Matt Painter's ex-wife was an athlete in high school. However, she decided to pursue a different career after graduation, earning a master’s degree in clinical social work from Southern Illinois University.

Jerri possesses many other talents that have kept her entertained. She's a design specialist who has worked at Pottery Barn in San Francisco, California. Painter's ex-wife has reportedly been working there since 2019.

Before Pottery Barn, Jerri worked as a yoga instructor for six years. She is also a certified personal trainer. Matt's ex-wife uses Instagram from time to time, posting under the justjp2u username.

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Matt and Jerri welcomed two children during their time together, Maggie and Emma. Jerri was also the stepmother to Brayden Painter, Matt's child with Kim Lei.

Painter married another woman in 2018

Five years after his divorce, Painter married another woman. Sherry Painter is a registered nurse who is also a retiring flight attendant. She is also a breast cancer survivor, which is why she and her husband have done a lot for cancer awareness.

While Sherry has no experience with playing or coaching basketball, she supports the Purdue Boilermakers on her Twitter profile.

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Matt Painter's wife and the legendary coach participated in the "Real Men Wear Pink" campaign, helping raise more than $200,000 for breast cancer awareness.

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